candycrushfreedownloadforpc| Pien Tze Huang (600436): Continue to optimize product structure, core products grow steadily




2023 年公司营业收入、归母净利润和扣非后净利润实现同比增长15candycrushfreedownloadforpc.69%、13.15%和15.26%;2024 年Q1 公司营业收入、归母净利润和扣非后净利润实现同比增长20.58%、26.61%和28.23%;在核心品类稳健增长带动下,公司年报及一季报业绩符合预期。



公司发布2023 年年度报告及2024 年一季度报告4 月19 日晚,公司发布2023 年年度报告及2024 年一季度报告,2023 年公司实现营业收入、归母净利润和扣非后净利润分别为100.58 亿元、27.97 亿元和28.54 亿元,分别同比增长15.69%、13.15%和15.26%;2024 年一季度公司实现营业收入、归母净利润和扣非后净利润分别为31.71 亿元、9.75 亿元和9.88 亿元,分别同比增长20.58%、26.61%和28.23%,业绩符合此前预告预期。



2023 年全年公司营业收入实现增长15.69%,归母净利润实现增长13.15%,扣非归母净利润实现增长15.26%,收入利润两端均延续了前三季度的稳健增长趋势,主要由于盈利能力较强的医药工业板块增长较快、占比有所提升;其中Q4 单季实现营业收入24.59 亿元,同比增长18.30%,收入端在核心品类的带动下实现了较好增长;实现归母净利润3.93 亿元,同比下降6.47%,实现扣非归母净利润4.13 亿元,同比下降0.31%;利润端短期承压主要受到费用投放节奏影响。

2024 年Q1 公司实现营业收入31.71 亿元,同比增长20.58%,主要由于肝病用药在提价红利催化下实现持续放量;归母净利润实现9.75 亿元,同比增长26.61%,扣非归母净利润实现9.88 亿元,同比增长28.23%,利润端增长较快主要由于:1)盈利能力强的医药工业板块收入增速较快;2)公司持续优化费用结构。整体来看,24 年Q1 公司在核心品类带动下实现较好增长,业绩符合此前预告预期。

核心品种带动工业增长,商业板块保持平稳经营公司持续优化升级打造大单品,深耕片仔癀品牌,合理优化资源配置,构建“4+4+4”产品矩阵,2023 年及24 年Q1 分板块来看:

1)医药工业:2023 年实现收入48.02 亿元,同比增加25.94%,毛利率75.77%,同比减少2.93 个百分点;其中肝病用药实现收入44.63 亿元,同比增长24.26%,毛利率78.79%,同比减少2.11 个百分点;心脑血管用药实现收入2.66 亿元,同比增长60.57%,毛利率38.71%,同比减少8.44 个百分点,主要归功于片仔癀牌安宫牛黄丸延续快速放量趋势。2024 年Q1 实现收入16.54 亿元,同比增长25.94%,毛利率70.48%,同比减少5.84 个百分点;其中肝病用药实现收入15.05 亿元,同比增长27.84%,毛利率75.75%,同比减少4.47 个百分点,盈利能力下降主要由于片仔癀系列的原材料牛黄、蛇胆持续上涨;心脑血管用药实现收入1.17 亿元,同比下降3.23%,毛利率16.02%,同比减少25.98 个百分点,心脑血管品类在去年同期高基数影响下短期承压,盈利能力持续受到原材料价格波动影响。

2)化妆品、日化业:2023 年实现收入7.07 亿元,同比增长11.42%,毛利率62.18%,同比增加1.58 个百分点,收入、利润两端均实现较好表现,其中皇后牌片仔癀珍珠霜销售额实现过亿元,而保健食品中有5 个自有“蓝帽子”产品销售翻番;2024 年Q1 实现收入2.00 亿元,同比增加83.18%,毛利率68.26%,同比增加7.59个百分点,公司化妆品、日化业务在去年同期低基数基础上实现快速恢复。除此之外,按国企改革三年行动要求,公司正积极推进化妆品公司分拆上市,正在有序开展股份制改革相关的审计、资产评估等相关工作。

3)医药商业:2023 年实现收入42.05 亿元,同比增长3.60%,毛利率13.85%,同比增加0.07 个百分点;2024 年Q1 实现收入12.54 亿元,同比增长12.86%,毛利率14.65%,同比减少2.73 个百分点,商业板块在去年同期低基数基础上实现持续恢复。

展望24 年:做优片仔癀、做大系列产品、做强化妆品,推动公司业绩恢复稳健增长展望24 年,随着公司持续做优片仔癀、做大系列产品、做强化妆品,争取实现销售额除片仔癀外超5 亿药品1 个,过亿药品种3 个,产品结构有望进一步优化;在此基础上,公司积极开展渠道梳理、加强片仔癀国药堂与终端连锁的渠道互补,并推动体验馆、区域经销、零售药店及线上旗舰店等多渠道持续扩展,同时加强重点区域建设,品牌影响力及产品覆盖率有望进一步提升;我们看好公司核心片仔癀系列产品提价红利释放、叠加产品结构的进一步优化,共同推动公司业绩恢复稳健增长。

candycrushfreedownloadforpc| Pien Tze Huang (600436): Continue to optimize product structure, core products grow steadily


For the whole of 2023, the company's comprehensive gross profit margin was 46.76%, an increase of 1.12% over the same period last year, and its profitability increased steadily; the rate of sales expenses was 7.78%, an increase of 2.22% over the same period last year, mainly due to the increase in promotion, business publicity and advertising expenses of the current period; the rate of management expenses was 3.65%, a decrease of 0.16% over the same period last year. The rate of R & D expenditure was 2.31%, a decrease of 0.34% over the same period last year, which remained basically stable. The net cash flow generated by operating activities decreased by 67.89% compared with the same period last year, mainly due to the company's careful analysis of future capital use plans and adjustment of the management mode of time deposits in the light of the actual business situation. Other financial indicators are basically normal.

In 2024, Q1, the company's comprehensive gross profit margin was 47.26%, which was 1.04% lower than the same period last year, which was mainly affected by the rise in the cost of raw materials; the sales expense rate was 5.20%, which was 0.30% lower than the same period last year, which remained basically stable; the management expense rate was 2.42%, which was 1.38% lower than the same period last year. The R & D expenditure rate was 2.80%, an increase of 0.73% over the same period last year, mainly due to the company's increased investment in new drug research and development. The net cash flow generated by operating activities decreased by 16.23% compared with the same period last year, which remained basically stable. Other financial indicators are basically normal.

Profit forecast and investment rating

We are optimistic that the company's multi-channel expansion will promote the gradual high-quality growth of its core products, and the price increase dividend will continue to be released, with an estimated 2024 of the company.